About Us


To transfigure the future of space technology and thus creating the next generation of leaders in the space technology industry in Africa.

Why we want to explore Space?

Space exploration plays an essential role in improving the world
Why exploring space when there are so much issues on Earth to spend resources on? This type of question amidst so many other questions keep recurring by an average individual with little or no knowledge in Space technology. We at 14Space Engineering believe strongly that as humans in a rapidly changing world, need to explore space to help us know and run our planet Earth efficiently and effectively. Space plays and have played relevant roles in improving the world


Committed to helping individuals to imagine and have both the passion to make a difference in the space world and the technical know-how to achieve it.

SDGs Achievable with Space Technology

Actualizing the set goals of the United Nation’s sustainable development program.
Amongst the vast roles achievable with space tech in various sectors, actualizing the set goals of the United Nation’s SDGs program is very possible with space technology. Some of the Sustainable Development Goals achievable with Space Technology includes Goal #2 (Ending Hunger), Goal #3 (Good Health and Well-Being), Goal #4 (Quality Education), Goal #6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), Goal #8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), Goal #9 (Industry, Innovation and infrastructure), Goal #11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), Goal #13 (Climate Action), Goal #14 (Life Below Water), and Goal #15 (Life On Land).

Our Team

Become a Volunteer!

We provide evocative work for our volunteers that contributes directly to supporting our core values: to explore, create, change and impact, the African space community

We offer both long-term and short-term volunteer opportunities, with the goal of assisting our education, operations, development and communications teams.

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