Transfiguring & creating the next generation of leaders in Africa’s space industry
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A Good Planet is
Hard to Find
Addressing fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system.
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SDGs achievable
with Space Technology
Actualizing the set goals of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program
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Sparking youth's
interest in science
Making scientific discoveries
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You Have the Power Today to Change Tomorrow!
Why we want to explore Space?
Space plays and have played relevant roles in improving the world today and have disrupted virtually all sectors of human accomplishments particularly in reference to Science and Technology.
Mars Awareness Day is a special event dedicated to raising awareness and fostering public interest in the exploration and settlement of the planet Mars. This day aims to inspire and engage individuals of all ages in the possibilities and challenges associated with human missions to Mars, while promoting scientific literacy and encouraging future generations to pursue careers in space exploration.
Supports innovation and economic prosperity by stimulating advances in science & technology, as well as motivating the global scientific and technological workforce.
We provide evocative work for our volunteers that contributes directly to supporting our mission: to explore, create, change and impact, the African space community
Committed to helping individuals to imagine and have both the passion to make a difference in the space world and the technical know-how to achieve it.